Dave Nocera set up a local time trial so high desert riders wouldn’t have to go down the hill (and pay an entry fee). For this first time trial of the series, the riders were Dave Nocera, Greg Nowacki, and Tommie Stephenson.

The course ran from Virginia Park on Central Road in Apple Valley (just north of Waalew), north to the T intersection of Central and Quarry, and then back — roughly 7.24 miles.

Dave is hoping to make this a monthly event. If you’re interested, contact him for dates and times.

Rider Time Avr. speed Pace
Dave Nocera 17:13 25.23 02:23
Tommie Stephenson 19:06 22.74 02:38
Greg Nowacki 20:25 21.28 02:49

Here are some photos of the riders who participated.